Terzet-Digitaal Congres-16-mevr. A. Denekamp

TERZET 25 JAAR- DIGITAAL CONGRES 2018 5 Literatuurlijst Anesi, J. (2017). The wireless tool revolution: battery technology, ergonomics and the IoT are changing how plumbers use tools. Plumbing & Mechanical Volume: 39 Issue 9 (2017) ISSN: 8750-6041 Online ISSN: 2328-8698 https://www.bnr.nl/podcast/eyeopeners/10337086/een-robot-steuntje-in-de-rug Durbhaka, G.K (2016) Adaptive wearable smart fabric based on body posture and temperature 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, & Automation (ICACCA) (Fall) Advances in Computing, Communication, & Automation (ICACCA) (Fall), International Conference Estrada J., Vea, L. (2017) Sitting posture recognition for computer users using smartphones and a web camera, Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Malaysia International Ergonomics Association https://www.iea.cc/ (geraadpleegd 30-4-2018) Møller, T., Kettley, S. (2017). Wearable health technology design: A humanist accessory approach. International Journal of Design, 11(3), 35-49. Schall, M.C., Sesek, R.F., Cavuoto, L.A. (2018) Barriers to the Adoption of Wearable Sensors in the Workplace: A Survey of Occupational Safety and Health Professionals, Human Factors Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 351–362 DOI: 10.1177/0018720817753907 https://www.utwente.nl/nieuws/! /2018/2/292781/duurzaam-robotisch-textiel-bij-fair-fashiontech